An inverse problem for a quasilinear wave equation Доклады на конференциях
Язык | Английский | ||
Тип доклада | Ключевой | ||
Конференция |
International conference “DAYS ON DIFFRACTION 2024” 10-14 июн. 2024 , Sankt-Peterburg |
Авторы |
Организации |
Consider the equation
utt u + (x)(ut)m + q(x)u2 = 0; (x; t) 2 R4; ujt<0 = g(t x R); (1)
where x = (x1; x2; x3), (x) and q(x) are smooth finite functions with support in the ball B(R) =
fx 2 R3j jxj < Rg, m > 1 is a real number and is a unite vector. The function g(t) is supposed
such that g(t) = 0 for t < 0 and g(0) = 0, g0(+0) = a > 0, g 2 C1[0;1). If (x) = 0 and q(x) = 0
then u(x; t) = g(t x R) is the plane wave running in direction . A solution of problem
(1) corresponds to falling down of the wave on the inhomogeneity located in B(R). The wave front
t = x +R tangents to the boundary of ball B(R) at point x = R in the moment of time t = 0.
It is supposed that = (') = (cos '; sin '; 0), ' 2 [0; ), and ' is the variable parameter of the
problem. Related to this, by u(x; t; ') is denoted a solution of problem (1).
Let S(R; ) = fx 2 R3j jxj = R; x > 0g be a part of the boundary of B(R) and g(t) be the
given function.
For the wave equation (1) the following inverse problem is studied.
The inverse problem. Find (x) and q(x) for x 2 B(R) from the given trace of solutions to
problem (1) on S(R; ) for variable and for an interval of time, i.e. from the given function
p(x; t; ') = u(x; t; '); 8' 2 [0; ); 8x 2 S(R; ); t 2 [x + R ; x + R + ]; (2)
where > 0 is an arbitrary small number.
The main result is concluded in a reduction of the original inverse problem for coefficient (x)
to the usual X-ray tomography problem and for q(x) to a new problem of the integral geometry. A
stability estimate for solutions of the latter problem is stated.
Библиографическая ссылка:
Romanov V.G.
An inverse problem for a quasilinear wave equation
International conference “DAYS ON DIFFRACTION 2024” 10-14 Jun 2024
An inverse problem for a quasilinear wave equation
International conference “DAYS ON DIFFRACTION 2024” 10-14 Jun 2024