Научная деятельность
Статьи (22) Подробнее
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Erzin A.
, Plotnikov R.
, Zhukov G.
Minimizing the sum of weights of single-color edges in a 3-coloring Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2025. |
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Erzin A.
, Plotnikov R.
, Ladygin I.
Constrained Shortest Path and Hierarchical Structures В сборнике 16th International Conference, LION 16, Milos Island, Greece, June 5–10, 2022, Revised Selected Papers. – Springer Cham., 2023. – C.394–410. – ISBN 978-3-031-24866-5. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-24866-5_29 Scopus OpenAlex |
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Erzin A.
, Plotnikov R.
, Ladygin I.
Aggregation Tree Construction Using Hierarchical Structures В сборнике Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research 22nd International Conference, MOTOR 2023, Ekaterinburg, Russia, July 2–8, 2023, Proceedings. – Springer Cham., 2023. – Т.13930. – C.101-114. – ISBN 9783031353055. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-35305-5_7 Scopus OpenAlex |
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Erzin A.
, Melidi G.
, Nazarenko S.
, Plotnikov R.
A 3/2-approximation for big two-bar charts packing Journal of Combinatorial Optimization. 2021. V.42. N1. P.71-84. DOI: 10.1007/s10878-021-00741-1 WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
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Plotnikov R.
, Erzin A.
Multi-channel Conflict-Free Square Grid Aggregation Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2021. V.12931. P.299-314. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-92121-7_24 Scopus OpenAlex |
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Erzin A.
, Melidi G.
, Nazarenko S.
, Plotnikov R.
A Posteriori Analysis of the Algorithms for Two-Bar Charts Packing Problem Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2021. V.1514. P.201-216. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-92711-0_14 Scopus OpenAlex |
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Plotnikov R.
, Erzin A.
Metaheuristics for Min-Power Bounded-Hops Symmetric Connectivity Problem Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2020. V.11968. P.355-369. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-38629-0_29 Scopus OpenAlex |
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Erzin A.
, Plotnikov R.
Distance-Constrained Line Routing Problem Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2020. V.1145. P.43-55. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-38603-0_4 Scopus OpenAlex |
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Plotnikov R.
, Erzin A.
, Zalyubovskiy V.
GLS and VNS based heuristics for conflict-free minimum-latency aggregation scheduling in WSN Optimization Methods and Software. 2020. V.36. N4. P.697-719. DOI: 10.1080/10556788.2019.1710836 WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
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Erzin A.
, Plotnikov R.
Two-Channel Conflict-Free Square Grid Aggregation Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2020. V.12096. P.168-183. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-53552-0_18 Scopus OpenAlex |
11 |
Erzin A.
, Plotnikov R.
, Коробкин А.
, Мелиди Г.Е.
, Назаренко С.А.
Optimal Investment in the Development of Oil and Gas Field Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2020. V.1275. P.336-349. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-58657-7_27 Scopus OpenAlex |
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Erzin A.
, Melidi G.
, Nazarenko S.
, Plotnikov R.
Two-Bar Charts Packing Problem Optimization Letters. 2020. V.15. N6. P.1955-1971. DOI: 10.1007/s11590-020-01657-1 WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
13 |
Plotnikov R.
, Erzin A.
, Zalyubovskiy V.
Genetic Local Search for Conflict-Free Minimum-Latency Aggregation Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2019. V.974. P.216-231. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-10934-9_16 Scopus OpenAlex |
14 |
Erzin A.
, Plotnikov R.
The Convergecast Scheduling Problem on a Regular Triangular Grid Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2019. V.1090. P.356-368. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-33394-2_28 Scopus OpenAlex |
15 |
Plotnikov R.
, Erzin A.
Constructive Heuristics for Min-Power Bounded-Hops Symmetric Connectivity Problem Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2019. V.1090. P.390-407. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-33394-2_31 Scopus OpenAlex |
16 |
Plotnikov R.
, Erzin A.
, Mladenovic N.
VNDS for the min-power symmetric connectivity problem Optimization Letters. 2018. V.13. N8. P.1897-1911. DOI: 10.1007/s11590-018-1324-0 WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
17 |
Erzin A.
, Plotnikov R.
The Accuracy of One Polynomial Algorithm for the Convergecast Scheduling Problem on a Square Grid with Rectangular Obstacles Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2018. V.11353. P.131-140. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-05348-2_11 Scopus OpenAlex |
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Erzin A.I.
, Plotnikov R.
, Zalyubovskiy V.
Conflict-Free Data Aggregation in WSN with Unbounded Number of Channels WSEAS Transactions on Communications. 2017. V.16. P.192-202. |
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Ерзин А.И.
, Плотников Р.В.
, Шамардин Ю.В.
Задача построения энергоэффективного остовного дерева в беспроводной сети Прикладная математика и фундаментальная информатика. 2017. Т.4. №1. С.54-67. |
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Erzin A.I.
, Mladenovic N.
, Plotnikov R.V.
Variable neighborhood search variants for Min-power symmetric connectivity problem Computers and Operations Research. 2017. V.78. P.557-563. DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2016.05.010 WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
21 |
Erzin A.
, Plotnikov R.
Conflict-Free Data Aggregation on a Square Grid When Transmission Distance is Not Less Than 3 Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2017. V.10718. P.141-154. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-72751-6_11 Scopus OpenAlex |
22 |
Erzin A.I.
, Plotnikov R.V.
Efficient Algorithm for the Convergecast Scheduling Problem on a Square Grid with Obstacles В сборнике CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2017. – Т.1987. – C.187-193. |
Доклады на конференциях (13) Подробнее
1 |
Erzin A.
, Plotnikov R.
, Ladygin I.
Aggregation Tree Construction Using Hierarchical Structures 22nd International conference "Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research" 02-08 Jul 2023 |
2 |
Erzin A.
, Plotnikov R.
, Ladygin I.
Constrained Shortest Path and Hierarchical Structures Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference 05-10 Jun 2022 |
3 |
Erzin A.
, Melidi G.
, Nazarenko S.
, Plotnikov R.
Approximation Algorithms for Two-Bar Charts Packing Problem 12th International Conference on Optimization and Applications 27 Sep - 1 Oct 2021 |
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Plotnikov R.
, Erzin A.
Multi-Channel Conflict-Free Square Grid Aggregation Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference 20-25 Jun 2021 |
5 |
Erzin A.
, Plotnikov R.
, Korobkin A.
, Melidi G.
, Nazarenko S.
Optimal Investment in the Development of Oil and Gas Field Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research 06-10 Jul 2020 |
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Erzin A.
, Plotnikov R.
Two-Channel Conflict-Free Square Grid Aggregation Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN Conference 24-28 May 2020 |
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Erzin A.
, Plotnikov R.
Distance-Constrained Line Routing Problem International Conference on Optimization and Applications 30 Sep - 4 Oct 2019 |
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Erzin A.
, Plotnikov R.
The Convergecast Scheduling Problem on a Regular Triangular Grid 18th International conference on mathematical optimization theory and operations research 08-12 Jul 2019 |
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Erzin A.
, Plotnikov R.
The Accuracy of One Polynomial Algorithm for the Convergecast Scheduling Problem on a Square Grid with Rectangular Obstacles Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference 10-15 Jun 2018 |
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Erzin A.
, Plotnikov R.
Efficient Algorithm for the Convergecast Scheduling Problem on a Square Grid with Obstacles 8 Int. conf. Optimization and Applications 02-06 Oct 2017 |
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Erzin A.
, Plotnikov R.
Quick Conflict-Free Data Aggregation on a Square Grid ALGO 2017 04-07 Sep 2017 |
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Erzin A.
, Plotnikov R.
Conflict-Free Data Aggregation Scheduling in a Square Grid with Rectangular Obstacles Международная конференция, посвященная 60-летию Института математики им. С.,Л.Соболева 14-19 Aug 2017 |
13 |
Erzin A.
, Plotnikov R.
, Zaliybovskiy V.
Convergecast with Unbounded Number of Channels 21st Int. Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers 17-17 Jul 2017 |