Science activity
Articles (28) More info
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Malygina E.S.
, Kutsenko A.V.
, Novoselov S.A.
, Kolesnikov N.S.
, Bakharev A.O.
, Khilchuk I.S.
, Shaporenko A.S.
, Tokareva N.N.
Post-Quantum Cryptosystems: Open Problems and Current Solutions. Isogeny-Based and Code-Based Cryptosystems Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2024. V.18. N1. P.103-121. DOI: 10.1134/s1990478924010101 Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Bonich T.A.
, Panferov M.A.
, Tokareva N.N.
On the number of l-suitable boolean functions in constructions of filter and combining models of stream ciphers Прикладная дискретная математика (Prikladnaya Diskretnaya Matematika). 2023. V.62. P.21-28. DOI: 10.17223/20710410/62/3 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Malygina E.S.
, Kutsenko A.V.
, Novoselov S.A.
, Kolesnikov N.S.
, Bakharev A.O.
, Khilchuk I.S.
, Shaporenko A.S.
, Tokareva N.N.
Post-quantum cryptosystems: open problems and solutions. Lattice-based cryptosystems Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2023. V.17. N4. P.767–790. DOI: 10.1134/S1990478923040087 Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Zyubina D.A.
, Tokareva N.
S-Blocks of Special Type with Few Variables Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2023. V.17. N2. P.451-457. DOI: 10.1134/s1990478923020229 Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Tokareva N.N.
A quadratic part of a bent function can be any Сибирские электронные математические известия (Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports). 2022. V.19. N1. P.342-347. DOI: 10.33048/semi.2022.19.029 WOS Scopus РИНЦ |
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Gorodilova A.A.
, Tokareva N.N.
, Agievich S.V.
, Beterov I.I.
, Beyne T.
, Budaghyan L.
, Carlet C.
, Dhooghe S.
, Идрисова В.А.
, Kolomeets N.A.
, Kutsenko A.V.
, Малыгина Е.С.
, Mouha N.
, Pudovkina M.A.
, Sica F.
, Udovenko A.N.
An overview of the Eight International Olympiad in cryptography "Non-Stop University CRYPTO" Сибирские электронные математические известия (Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports). 2022. V.19. N1. P.9-37. DOI: 10.33048/semi.2022.19.023 Scopus РИНЦ |
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Tokareva N.N.
, Shaporenko A.S.
, Solé P.
CONNECTIONS BETWEEN QUATERNARY AND BOOLEAN BENT FUNCTIONS Сибирские электронные математические известия (Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports). 2021. V.18. N1. P.561-578. DOI: 10.33048/semi.2021.18.041 WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
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Mouha N.
, Kolomeec N.
, Akhtiamov D.
, Sutormin I.
, Panferov M.
, Titova K.
, Bonich T.
, Ishchukova E.
, Tokareva N.
, Zhantulikov B.
Maximums of the additive differential probability of exclusive-or IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology. 2021. V.2021. N2. P.292-313. DOI: 10.46586/tosc.v2021.i2.292-313 WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
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Gorodilova A.A.
, Tokareva N.N.
, Agievich S.V.
, Carlet C.
, Idrisova V.A.
, Kalgin K.V.
, Kolegov D.N.
, Kutsenko A.V.
, Mouha N.
, Pudovkina M.A.
, Udovenko A.N.
THE SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIAD IN CRYPTOGRAPHY: PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Сибирские электронные математические известия (Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports). 2021. V.18. N2. P.4-29. DOI: 10.33048/semi.2021.18.063 WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
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Gorodilova A.A.
, Tokareva N.N.
, Agievich S.V.
, Carlet C.
, Gorkunov E.V.
, Idrisova V.A.
, Kolomeec N.A.
, Kutsenko A.V.
, Lebedev R.K.
, Nikova S.
, Oblaukhov A.K.
, Pankratova I.A.
, Pudovkina M.A.
, Rijmen V.
, Udovenko A.N.
On the Sixth International Olympiad in Cryptography NSUCRYPTO Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2020. V.14. N4. P.623-647. DOI: 10.1134/S1990478920040031 Scopus OpenAlex |
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Kutsenko A.V.
, Tokareva N.N.
Metrical properties of the set of bent functions in view of duality Прикладная дискретная математика (Prikladnaya Diskretnaya Matematika). 2020. N49. P.18-34. DOI: 10.17223/20710410/49/2 WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
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Gorodilova A.A.
, Агиевич С.
, Carlet C.
, Hou X.
, Idrisova V.A.
, Kolomeec N.A.
, Kutsenko A.V.
, Mariot L.
, Oblaukhov A.
, Picek S.
, Preneel B.
, Rosie R.
, Tokareva N.N.
The Fifth International Students' Olympiad in Cryptography - NSUCRYPTO: problems and their solutions Cryptologia. 2020. V.44. N3. P.223-256. DOI: 10.1080/01611194.2019.1670282 WOS OpenAlex |
13 |
Gorodilova A.A.
, Агиевич С.
, Carlet C.
, Gorkunov E.V.
, Idrisova V.A.
, Kolomeets N.A.
, Куценко А.В.
, Nikova S.
, Облаухов А.К.
, Picek S.
, Preneel B.
, Rijmen V.
, Tokareva N.N.
Problems and solutions from the fourth International Students’ Olympiad in Cryptography (NSUCRYPTO) Cryptologia. 2019. V.43. N2. P.138-174. DOI: 10.1080/01611194.2018.1517834 WOS OpenAlex |
14 |
Agievich S.
, Gorodilova A.
, Idrisova V.
, Kolomeec N.
, Shushuev G.
, Tokareva N.
Mathematical problems of the Second International Students’ Olympiad in Cryptography Cryptologia. 2017. V.41. N6. P.534-565. DOI: 10.1080/01611194.2016.1260666 WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
15 |
Tokareva N.
Bent Functions: results and applications to cryptography In compilation Bent Functions: results and applications to cryptography. 2015. DOI: 10.1016/c2014-0-02922-x Scopus OpenAlex |
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Агиевич С.
, Gorodilova A.A.
, Kolomeets N.A.
, Nikova S.
, Preneel B.
, Rijmen V.
, Shushuev G.I.
, Tokareva N.N.
, Vitkup V.A.
Problems, solutions and experience of the first international student’s Olympiad in cryptography Прикладная дискретная математика (Prikladnaya Diskretnaya Matematika). 2015. V.29. N3. P.41-62. |
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Bilgin B.
, Nikova S.
, Nikov V.
, Rijmen V.
, Tokareva N.
, Vitkup V.
Threshold implementations of small S-boxes Cryptography and Communications. 2014. V.7. N1. P.3-33. DOI: 10.1007/s12095-014-0104-7 WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
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N. N. Tokareva N.N.
On decomposition of a Boolean function into sum of bent functions Сибирские электронные математические известия (Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports). 2014. V.11. P.745-751. |
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Tokareva N.N.
, Kiselev S.
Reduction of the key space of the cipher A5/1 and invertibility of the next-state function for a stream generator Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2012. V.6. N2. P.194-202. DOI: 10.1134/S199047891202007X Scopus OpenAlex |
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Tokareva N.N.
Generalizations of bent functions. A survey Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2011. V.5. N1. P.110-129. DOI: 10.1134/s1990478911010133 Scopus OpenAlex |
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Tokareva N.
Duality between bent functions and affine functions Discrete Mathematics. 2011. V.312. N3. P.666-670. DOI: 10.1016/j.disc.2011.06.017 WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
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Tokareva N.N.
The group of automorphisms of the set of bent functions Discrete Mathematics and Applications. 2011. V.20. N5-6. P.655 - 664. DOI: 10.1515/dma.2010.040 WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
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Tokareva N.
On the number of bent functions from iterative constructions: lower bounds and hypotheses Advances in Mathematics of Communications. 2011. V.5. N4. P.609-621. DOI: 10.3934/amc.2011.5.609 WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
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Solov’eva F.I.
, Tokareva N.N.
Distance regularity of Kerdock codes Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2008. V.49. N3. P.539-548. DOI: 10.1007/s11202-008-0051-7 WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
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Tokareva N.N.
On quadratic approximations in block ciphers Problems of Information Transmission. 2008. V.44. N3. P.266-286. DOI: 10.1134/s0032946008030083 WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
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Solov’eva F.I.
, Tokareva N.N.
On distance nonregularity of Preparata codes Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2007. V.48. N2. P.327-333. DOI: 10.1007/s11202-007-0034-0 WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
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Tokareva N.N.
An upper bound for the number of uniformly packed codes In compilation IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory. 2007. DOI: 10.1109/ISIT.2007.4557250 Scopus OpenAlex |
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Tokareva N.N.
On components of Preparata codes Problems of Information Transmission. 2004. V.40. P.159-164. DOI: 10.1023/B:PRIT.0000043933.08204.89 OpenAlex |
Conference theses (1) More info
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Kutsenko A.V.
, Tokareva N.N.
Metrical properties of the set of bent functions in view of duality In compilation Proceedings of the XI Workshop on Current Trends in Cryptology CTCrypt 2022 (September 15-17, 2020, Moscow region). – IEEE., 2020. – C.151-172. |
Books (2) More info
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Tokareva N.N.
Bent Functions: Results and Applications to Cryptography Monography, 2015. Scopus OpenAlex |
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Tokareva N.N.
Нелинейные булевы функции: бент-функции и их обобщения Monography, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (Saarbrucken, Germany). 2011. 180 c. ISBN 9783843309042. |
Conference attendances (3) More info
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Kutsenko A.V.
, Tokareva N.N.
Metrical properties of the set of bent functions in view of duality CTCrypt 2020 - Current trends in Cryptography 15-17 Sep 2020 |
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Tokareva N.N.
, Бонич Т.А.
, Панферов М.А.
Properties of the secret gamma in stream ciphers Conference on Software Engineering and Information Management 2020 16-16 May 2020 |
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Tokareva N.N.
, Zyubina D.A.
, Zapolʹskii M.
, Khilʹchuk I.
S-box construction based on a Boolean function and a permutation Conference on Software Engineering and Information Management 2020 16-16 May 2020 |